April Spry LivingSpry is getting a spring makeover! We are officially now Spry Living, a name I’ve always thought well represented our philosophy: Good health gives you the tools to live a vibrant life at any age. To that end, for the April issue, I reviewed the supermarket’s latest healthy chip offerings (with an assist from my new sportswriter coworkers who were more than happy to weigh in). I also wrote about how to make cruciferous (and often unpopular) veggies more palatable, as well as a simple tip for dealing with unpleasant people. Happy Spring!

I was recently profiled in my Jazzercise district newsletter, and it was a fun flip to be the interviewee for a change! I wanted to share a bit of the Q&A here because I think it expresses a philosophy I’ve adapted about life and health in my 30s.

Why did you become a Jazzercise Instructor?

My husband died suddenly in June 2012. I’d been Jazzercising at the Franklin Fitness Center for about 2 years, and both instructors and students rallied around me and were so supportive. In the weeks and months following his death, I found that the studio was my “happy place.” Continuing to exercise helped me feel in control, and like I was taking care of myself even on days when I felt like my life was falling apart. The instructors in Franklin, following [owner] Linda Cash’s amazing example, are so positive, and I always left class feeling better than when I’d come in.

I had thought about teaching before that—I’ve danced on and off for years—and even talked to Linda about it. In my day job, I’m an editor for a health magazine, so I’m passionate about encouraging people to get healthy, and especially finding a workout that is right for them, which I believe makes all the difference. (I was never a very consistent exerciser before Jazzercise!) But my husband’s death gave me the push, because training and getting certified helped me to feel like I was taking control of my life and starting a new chapter.

What is your favorite part about teaching?

So many things! I just love the idea of being part of people’s healthy journey by encouraging them and always being there for them at the center. It’s been especially fun to see new faces this January and to remember how I felt when I first joined Jazzercise—and how it has changed my life.

march spry


SP_0314_01The March issue of Spry is out! Check out my story on decoding OTC drug labels—the doc I interviewed gave some great tips. And don’t miss our interview with the hilarious Cheryl Hines

p.s. We just closed the April issue and there’s a big change in Spryland that I’m SUPER excited about! Can’t wait for you to see it next month!

Gold Medal Moms


Charlie White & his momLike much of America, I fell madly in love with Charlie White and Meryl Davis this Olympics. What grace, what beauty, what hair! My crush started when I interviewed Charlie and Meryl’s moms for Spry. (You’ve seen them on the sidelines with their game faces on!) Along with other Olympians’ moms, I asked for their best advice about raising healthy kids, and I loved all the answers—from practical tips on eating between practices to more philosophical musings on how to nurture an athletic passion, even a surprising one.  

SP_0214_01It’s hard to believe it’s been more than 20 years since Kristi Yamaguchi won the gold medal in Albertville, France. (As you can see from our gorgeous cover photo, she hasn’t aged a day!) I was wildly curious about her memories of the 1992 Olympics. It’s a tiny club of people who have stood atop that podium, and most of them are very young at the time. What is it like to carry the mantle of Olympic Champion throughout your life? Where do you go from there? Kristi has probably answered these questions hundreds of times in the last two decades, but she recalled her experiences with warmth and enthusiasm.

SP_0114_FINAL 1_gc.inddMost people (myself included) are more concerned with improving their bodies than their minds as the New Year begins. And we’ve got plenty of advice on that in our January issue—everyone from Sofia Vergara to Ellie Krieger to Deepak Chopra weighs in. But I also hope you’ll check out my interview with National Geographic Channel’s Brain Games host Jason Silva, who offered some super-easy tips on how to improve your memory and cognition in 2014.  (Hint: One tip is Twitter! He’s well worth following.)


For Spry’s December issue, I rounded up some of the top health headlines of 2013. What do you think—did I miss anything?

Also, a quick heads-up: Spry’s print and digital properties split in July and now operate independently from an editorial standpoint. That means not all the print stories will be available online (in which case I’ll link a PDF), and you may notice some additional differences in content.


SP_1213 v2 tweek-CoverX_gc.inddFor the December issue of Spry (one of my favorite covers ever!) I interviewed dietitians for their recommendations on new superfoods for the New Year. I also asked the experts at Sharecare.com to share the small  resolution that could have the biggest impact on your health in 2014.

48AP01r1Like many 14-year-old girls, I was glued to the Kelly-Dylan drama back in the day. So it was fun to catch up with Jennie Garth for this American Profile cover story on the occasion of her new ABC Family movie, Holidaze. The Midwest native who grew up riding horses couldn’t be more different from the character that launched her career.

SP_1113-CoverFINAL_X_gc.inddWant to know how TV’s Giada De Laurentiis stays so slim when she always seems to be dishing up delicious pasta? Join the club—the chef says it’s the most frequently asked question when she meets fans. She shared the answer—plus more healthy living secrets just in time for the holidays—in our exclusive interview.
